Category: Make Nine 2018

  • Pattern Review: Butterick B6318

    Pattern Review: Butterick B6318

    Hello my friends! Thank you for stopping by my little meager blog and reading my posts! Today, I am sharing my thoughts and review of the Butterick B6318 pattern. This is a 1960s retro pattern, and it is very easy! So easy that a beginner, who has had no experience in sewing whatsoever, can sew…

  • Pattern Review: Simplicity 1278 & 8242

    Pattern Review: Simplicity 1278 & 8242

    Hello my friends! I know it has been a while since I last updated this blog. My apologies! My family and I finally got settled into our new home here in Hermiston, Oregon. we are truly grateful and thankful to be more fully established. Now that I have my sewing room back, I have plans…

  • Make Nine 2018

    Hello my friends! Welcome! Today, I am sharing my Make Nine 2018 sewing projects’ list. This blog site wasn’t up and running until the end of January 2018, that’s why I am just now making this post on the 2nd of February. Since I want to focus on building a vintage wardrobe, I have decided…